Analytics and SEO


Is there a way to disable link detection altogether?


Yes it can be turned off in the settings section on the left hand side in the desktop publisher (click on the cog on the left hand side in the latest version and scroll down to the 'Accessibility & SEO' section)


If we publish a PDF in flowpaper, can Google index this and can it go to a specific page upon linking? We are considering to use your application but we must be sure that google can index the contents of the PDF and also be able to go to a specific page if a link points to that via google or another search facility.


Google is able to index FlowPaper publications and can "jump in" at different pages that it finds. Have a look at this study and you'll see how you can improve your search results (and possibly even ranking) using FlowPaper elements:


How can I track downloads with Google analytics? I need track downloads with Google Analytics. I am searching in your blog but your answers are short and I found it. Page Views are running in Analytics. What is the hook for track pdf downloads?


The following tutorial gives a good insight into where and how to set up Google Analytics tracking: